Pixel clear acrylic humidor
3D visual effect into floating product photography for Amazon infographic created in Adobe Photoshop to enhance brand content and increase customer engagement in Amazon store.
Project: Animated still photo. Amazon infographic image
Advertiser: ESDistributions
Brand collaboration: Pixel Cartel
Website: https://rawthentic.com/cones/
Product: Clear Acrylic Humidor
Medium: Amazon
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Illustrator
Animator: Mark Zuniga
Graphic Designer: Mark Zuniga
Photographer: Mark Zuniga
Amazon listing: https://www.amazon.com/Pixel-Cartel-Airtight-Magnetic-Contents/dp/B082886JTK/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=humidor%2Bpixel&qid=1596397728&sr=8-1&th=1